Patricia Ehrheart
Patti is our newly elected County Chairman, and brings with her a desire to see this nation make a change. She realizes that change must be made at the grass roots level, and is dedicated to see that it happens. She is energetic and excited, and has done much in the short time that she has been chairman to strengthen the underpinnings of our party at the county level.
She has worked tirelessly to find the precinct boundaries, and those registered who live within those boundaries. We are excited to have her as our chairman, and wish her well

Gerri Hinton
Gerri comes to us from Hurricane Utah, and has long been involved in the political process. Before switching over to the Constitution Party, she served for many years in the Republican Party as Precinct Chair or Vice Chair. She was a Washington County and State Delegate many times, and is very familiar with the needs we have today for a change. While serving in several of those capacities, she saw first hand the corruption not just at a national level, but in the state and county as well. It was that which caused her to decide she needed to help somewhere else.
She has served as a wife and mother for many years, having 7 children who are married and have given her 22 grandchildren. She was a bookkeeper for the “Gift’s of Nature” company for 13 years. We welcome her in the county leadership.

Dorian Bundy
Dorian comes from a storied legacy in the Southern Utah, Southern Nevada area. He brings with him a great legacy of Patriotic enthusiasm, and knowledge, much of which he has gained from personal experience. His story is powerful and heart wrenching.
We are grateful to welcome Dorian into the ranks of the Washington County Leadership as her vice-chairman. We are sure that he will do a great job. He represented us well in Salt Lake at the State Convention when call on the spur of the moment to speak to the crowd. He got a standing ovation for his remarks! He will be a great one!

David Hinton
David grew up in Hurricane, and has seen the tremendous growth that has come to the county. He is married to Gerri Hinton, and together they have 7 children and 22 grandchildren. Their son Randall ran for the U.S. House of Representatives through the Constitution Party of Utah.
He comes from many years in service to his country. After serving in the Army for 3 years, during the Viet Nam Conflict, he became actively engaged in the political process, serving as Precinct Committee Chair several times, and as a county and state delegate for 40 years. All of this being done within the parameters of the Republican Party, trying to instigate change within the party.
He has known for many years that there were problems with our government, and could see our freedoms crumbling around us. Therefore, while attending a Washington County Constitution Party Convention to investigate who they were, he was elected as their County Chairman, and served in that capacity for 10 years.

Shaun McCausland
Shaun lives in LaVerkin with his wife Camille. He is a marvelous musician, and has performed in many venues. For the locals, he was made quite famous as he performed with Rhett Thomas at the Bumbleberry Inn in Springdale, Utah. Their focus on the pop music of the 50’s and 60’s was outstanding.
He is an avid reader, and student of the history of our country! His understanding of the “Founding Fathers” ideas for creating a new form of government is very deep, and his ability to teach it with ease is amazing! He ran for the U.S. Senate seat against Orrin Hatch in the 2012 and did amazing well. His message was able to get to a larger number of people than anyone expected.
We are happy to have him work with us.

Bryce Hamilton
State Chairman
Bryce is our State Chair, and comes from Duchesne, Utah. He took over the reins of the state party at Frank’s leaving. Besides have a business to run, Bryce spends at least 20 to 30 hours a week working for the party. He has a great love for the Constitution and Declaration of Independence. He has worked tirelessly trying to put together a responsible group of county leaders, and build the party. He, like Sam have traveled to each county in the state, working to see that each county is organized. We owe a great debt of gratitude to his fine man for his unwavering dedication to this country, his family, business and Party!

Sam Pew
2nd Vice-Chairman on the state level
Sam has been instrumental in getting the Constitution Party rejuvenated all over the state. With his guidance, Patti, Bill, David, Gerri and Shaun have gotten things rolling in Washington County. We are indebted to Sam for the tireless hours he works, spending much of his time on the road. He not only works in the state leadership, but has a lot to do with the national leadership. He is very knowledgeable, energetic, and fun. Thank you Sam for all you do!!!

Frank Fluckiger
National Chairman
Frank Fluckiger is our National Chairman, and comes from our own back yard of Ogden, Utah! He has also served as Utah’s Constitution Party Chairman for many years. Under his leadership we have become the third largest political party in the state of Utah. The National organization took note of the wonderful job Frank was doing in Utah, and in other states, and now have him working wonders on a national basis.